For two nights after the movers scooped up my worldly goods, I stayed at a friend's apartment. I would rate the "Heidi Hotel" with an 8/10.
On the plus side, I had space to relax, my own bathroom and kitchen and no one snoring in the pod below me. Plus the apartment building was in a particularly well-chosen neighbourhood... being 2 blocks down from my apartment. It was clearly an exclusive establishment. These were pretty big bonuses for recharging.
However, the place loses 1.5 points for my friend not actually being there to entertain me. Also, no maid service. Heidi, you should really consider hiring some people to wait on random friends who come in to use all your stuff while you're gone. Geez.
On Friday morning I returned to my apartment to apply some elbow grease to the dusty floors and meet a representative from the moving company. I had noticed a sizeable dent in the wall and needed them to take responsibility before I lost my security deposit.
The man arrived, examined the hole and then called the support office at the university, so they could help translate.
"They said they were very careful to cover the walls when they were moving, so don't think they could have caused the damage."
I arched an eyebrow. This was pointless, since I was talking to the support office on the phone. "Don't you think they would have noticed this large hole while covering the walls?" I vocalised.
Every other small nick or dent in my furniture had been carefully pointed out to me, so I would know it was not new damage. It seemed pretty unlikely that a gaping hole in the plaster would have been passed over. Also, the damage was right by the door: the turning point to get all heavy furniture out to the elevator.
The phone was returned to the mover. Some more hurried conversation ensued then the handset was returned to me.
"They think the cat might have done it."
There was only one reasonable explanation for this claim: this poor, deprived chap had never seen a cat. Therefore, when I pictured this:
(A Pusheen pic.)
He pictured this:
(Art by dreamcatcher50 on playbuzz)
I tried to think of a way to succinctly express my views on this theory:
I let our support office translate that appropriately.
Future conversation led to the moving company person calling my apartment complex. I believe the plan is now to wait until the apartment inspection next Wednesday. One can only hope they send someone who has previously seen a cat.