You know when you go for a quick twenty minute drive in the countryside, park your car and forty-five minutes later it spontaneously combusts?
Read MoreIs Christianity truly worth anything?
The rise of Daesh has resulted in a huge increase in hate crimes against Muslim citizens. This is due to claims by the terrorist organisation that their abhorrent actions are supported by Islamic doctrine, despite being repeatedly and strongly contested by the Muslim community. In a backlash to anti-Islam rhetoric, a steadily louder claim has emerged that all religions are a source of evil. This seems to have upset a large number of Christians who believe that Christianity is fundamentally a force for good.
Read MoreIAU conference finale photograph
IAU, gender does not dictate skillset
The closing ceremony for the International Astronomical Union (IAU) General Assembly marks not only the culmination of a two week science conference, but also the official change of the Executive Committee. This did not go well.
Read More#DistractinglySexy
Today, I became annoyed by an article in 'The Guardian'. It was a piece discussing the consequences for the Nobel Laureate British biochemist, Sir Tim Hunt, after his disastrous speech at the World Conference of Science Journalists in Seoul last week.
Read MoreJust a few of the contributions to #GIrlsWithToys twitter tag. Left column, top to bottom: Sarah @niais, Catherine @CatherineQ, Katie @AstroKatie. Middle: Rachael @rhaegal, Alessondra @sondy, Erin @erinleeryan. Right: Nujoud @nujou, Lego Academics @LegoAcademics, me! @girlandkat
Today, twitter exploded with the hashtag #GirlsWithToys , showing a plethora of pictures of female scientists standing next to the tools of their trade.
Read More'Protein World' are a bag of shit, but not for their ads
This weekend, everyone got mad at 'Protein World' for the wrong reasons. And they weren't nearly mad enough.
Read MoreSuperhero special
I am pro-choice
Pro-lifers, I have a problem with you. You're not pro-life.
Read MoreThe boyfriend's car I couldn't resist stealing
Some years ago, I had a boyfriend whose car I kept repeatedly tried to steal.
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